There are lots of benefit if we include apple in our daily diet , because it contains different different type of nutrients , minerals and vitamins , we are all know a very common phrase "An Apple A Day Keep Doctor Away" , it means if we eat Apple on daily basis then we will be healthy and we don't need any doctor . Actually Apple is not only fruit but also it is very tasty and best thing to keep away disease .
So here are nutrients , minerals & vitamines values of apple .
Nutrients: Vitamines : Minerals:
Dietary fiber - 10% Vitamine C - 8% Potassium - 3%
Calories - 3% Vitamine K - 3% Iron - 1%
Protein - 1% Riboflovin - 2% Calcium - 1%
Carbohydrates - 5% Vitamine B6 - 2% Manganese - 2%
So now here are some amazing benefits of Apple :
1: Helps to prevent the risk of heart disease : If we eat apple on daily bases then it will reduce the risk of heart attack and other heart disease because it has a capability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and we all knew that cholesterol is the major reason for heart disease .
2 Help To Make Bones Strong : As I mentioned already one apple contain good amount of calcium in it and it has very large amount of antioxidants , so including one apple in your daily diet will make your bones strong .
3 Improves Digestion : Apple can also make digestive system healthy because it has large amount of antioxidants , if we eat only apple for two days then all toxines will be remove from our body and our digestive system become healthy and blood circulation will be improve . Apple also helps to remove toxines from liver .

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