Wednesday, October 24, 2018

In the well-known natural remedy , garlic has several health benefits and has been used to treat many problems . Garlic is not only used to increase the taste of food but also it has some amazing health benefits .Garlic is very effective in the prevention of several disease because it is a natural anti-biotech .So here are some amazing benefits of garlic .

eat garlic

1 Fight bacteria and viruses : Antibacterial and antiviral properties are well known so they can help prevent food poisoning when they kill bacteria . Garlic also helps with bacterial , fungal , yeast and viral infections .

2 Improve Metabolism : Diallyl sulfide in garlic increase ferroportin in the body , and it helps to improve metabolism of iron.

3 Relieve Toothache : Antibacterial and analgesic power in garlic can help reduce the pain of toothache .

4 Reduce Weight : If we consume garlic in our daily diet then it can help to slow down the formation of fat cells in the body . Anti-inflammatory property of garlic , which slow down the formation of fat .

5 Prevent From Skin Infection : Chemical called ajoene helps treat skin infections caused by fungus , such as ringworm and athlete's foot.

6 Thin Blood : Ajoene found in garlic so this can also help in prevention of blood clots and  if you recently done a surgery then you should avoid it. 

7 Regulate Blood Sugar : Garlic also helps to increase the level of insulin and helps to regulate the blood sugar levels in diabetic .

8 Low Blood Pressure : Allicin in garlic helps to lower the blood pressure and polysulfieds and converted to hydrogen sulfide.This sulfide also helps to control the blood pressure .

9 Lower Cholesterol : Able to reduce the level of cholesterol is another feature of garlic It also helps to reduce formation of plaque .

10 Improving Allergy Symptoms : Different different type of  allergies can be remove if you are consuming juice of raw garlic .

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Everyone wants healthy and glowing skin but its not so easy to achieve or even maintain it , the reason behind this is our daily unhealthy diet , rushing lifestyle and many other factors which leads us to many skin problem like skin infection , allergies , wrinkles , dark circles and many other skin problems .We can eliminate these problems if we take care of few things like include those fruits or vegetables in your daily diet who makes your skin healthy and glowing , So here are list of  some fruits and vegetables which helps to make your skin healthy and glowing .

1 Apple : 

eat for healthy and glowing skin

Apple is full of healthy nutrients , an apple contains dietary fibers , protein , carbohydrates , vitamin K,C,B6 , minerals like potassium , calcium , iron . Apple also prevents free radical damage which leads to premature skin ageing , so if you want healthy and glowing skin then include apple in your daily diet , you can also apply juice on your face and wash it off with water after 10 minutes .

2 Beetroot : 

eat for healthy and glowing skin

Beetroot is full of minerals , vitamins and anti-oxidants whose regular consumption makes your skin glow instantaneously because anti-oxidants removes toxins from your body and make your skin glow and healthy .You can apply beetroot juice as face mask or you can drink beetroot juice .

3 Strawberries : 

eat for healthy and glowing skin

Strawberries contains vitamin C , Omega-3 fatty acid which helps lighten   the skin  tone , strawberries also helps to reduce the problem of dead skin cells . Strawberries also boost up the collagen production , minimise fine lines and wrinkles because it contains large amount of vitamin C. You can apply mashes strawberries with 1 teaspoon of coco powder and 1 teaspoon of honey on your face to get glowing skin .

4 Lemon : 

eat for healthy and glowing skin

Lemon is full of vitamin C , B and phosphorous and these are required to make your skin glow and healthy . The natural acids presents in lemon which gently removes your dead skin cells and make your skin healthy and glowing and lighten the skin tone .                                                                    

5 Carrots :                                                                                                                                                 

eat for healthy and glowing skin

Carrots are good source of beta carotene that prevent the degeneration of cells and slow aging and makes your skin glow . Carrot also good source of many nutrients like lutein , gamma-carotene , vitamins A,B,C,K , fibers and minerals . So overall carrot is a good source of healthy and glowing skin.                                                                                                                                                         

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ginger is one of the known healthiest spices on this planet . It is full of healthy nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits of your body and brain . For over 5000 years ginger  was revered as the universal medicine by the ancient ancestors of China and India and highly sought after by spices traders ginger plant was first discovered in Southeast Asia and is used as a spice in Asian cuisines .Ginger is a good source of magnesium , manganese, potassium ,copper and vitamin B6. Ginger has antioxidants capabilities ,ginger has been used as natural remedy for many aliments and centuries , now science is finally catching up and researchers around the world are finding that ginger works wonder and the treatment various illnesses and conditions so let's go over some those treatment now . So here are some top 5 health benefits of ginger.

solution ginger
1 Relieve Nausea : Probably the most widely known health benefits of ginger is its ability to relieve nausea , so if you are suffering from nausea so ginger tea is very beneficial , for making ginger tea , take a small piece of ginger and peel off then put it into water and boil it for 15 minutes on low flame your ginger tea is ready .  

2 Arthritis : Studies of people with osteoarthritis have shown ginger to help relieve inflammation and pain without   the side-effects of many anti-inflammatory drugs, Ginger is effective for treating arthritis because it contain ginger oils and she goals which are powerful fight and nutrients that fight against arthritis .

3 Digestion : Ginger is very beneficial for improving our digestive system , so if you have weak digestive system then include ginger in your regular meal . Most important organ of our digestive system is colon because it takes water , nutrients , salt , vitamins and also helps to digest the food , so when colon does not work properly then it takes toxins from solid waste food instead to removing them , so ginger is one of those ingredient that can help to improve our digestive system .

4 Reduce Respiratory Problem : Since ginger is a good expectorant it is effective in combating various respiratory problems such as cols , cough, flu, asthma and shortness of breath . Ginger is also effective removing mucus from throat and lungs .

5 Motion Sickness : When it comes on motion sickness ginger is a natural preventative , it sue's a queasy stomach and has no side effects , the travel industry uses ginger more and more to comeback nausea caused by motion sickness , especially those who go cruises , to prevent motion sickness drink a cup of ginger tea .             

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Beetroot juice contains betalains a type of anti-oxidants that helps relax the mind and also prevents oxidative stress .Tryptophan , found in chocolate , is also found in beetroot juice . Beetroot juice contains  high amount of anti-oxidants so it increase the level of good cholesterol and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body. It also increases the stamina , it reduce oxygen uptake which reduce fatigue and increase stamina because of  the nitrate it contains . So here are some amazing benefits of beetroot .

beetroot blood purifier

1 Beetroot juice contains betacyanin which helps the avoid formation of cancerous tumor and also detoxifies the body by eradicating all the harmful toxins . So beetroot has a capability to prevent our body from cancer especially colon cancer .

2 Beetroot are full of fiber which helps to cure and treat the disease like vomiting jaundice , constipation , piles diarrhea and many more .

3 Beetroot contains high amount of nitrate itself so it helps in expanding blood vessels and supplying more blood and oxygen to the heart . So this reduce the risk of heart disease like chest pain, heart attack and many more .

4 Consumption of beetroot also increases the blood cell count because it is full of iron and we all knew iron  always helps to increase the level of hemoglobin. Beetroot also purifies blood and provide strength to our immune system .

5 Beetroot can also be used in the treatment of jaundice , hepatitis , nausea and vomiting , regular consumption of beetroot juice can help prevent varicose veins . 

Saturday, October 13, 2018

 Mostly people especially women are facing the problem of belly fat because it is very difficult to remove , not only middle age women but also teen age girls are also facing the same problem and the main reason behind this is unhealthy diet , junk food, oily food and many other things , these kind of food is really helpful to increase belly fat . We all know once belly fat increase it is very difficult to remove it , So here are some seeds that very helpful to reduce belly fat if we take it in proper way , but it does not mean that only on using these seeds you can reduce your belly fat but yes they will be very effective if you take it with proper diet , regular exercise .

1 Chia Seed : Chia seed is very helpful to reduce belly fat , it is available in two color black and grey . It contain lots of anti-oxidants which is very good for our skin because it tighten up our skin . Chia seeds also contain lots of fiber , calcium , protein , magnesium , phosphorous , vitamin, B1,B2,B2,omega-3 which removes the problem of constipation and also control the level of bad cholesterol . So the proper way to take chia seeds is , take a glass of water and put one tablespoon chia seeds into it and leave it for minimum 1 hours and wait until the chia seeds is not perfectly swallow up and then add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of honey .

seeds help belly fat

2 Fenugreek Seeds : Fenygreek seed is also very helpful to reduce belly fat , the best way to use it take a 1 cup of fenugreek seed and soak it into water for full night , in the morning  , filter these seeds and chew it on an empty stomach , it really helpful for reducing belly fat. The seeds makes you feel fuller for a long time thus it avoiding the overeating .Other method of taking the fenugreek seed is , take one cup of  fenugreek seed and roast it on low flame and then crush it and put 1 teaspoon of this fanugreek powder into a glass of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach .

seeds help reduce belly fat

3 FlaxSeed : Flaxseeds are tiny brown seeds that have nutty flavor and obtained from flax plant . They are cholesterol free hence they are good for heart as well , regular consumption of flaxseeds will reduce the belly fat , you just have to take a spoon of roasted  grounded flaxseed daily to reduce belly fat , but remember one thing take always grounded flaxseed not whole seeds , as they pass through your digestive system without being digest .

seeds help reduce belly fat

4 Cumin Seeds : Cumin seeds increase the digestive power and reduce the problem of acidity , it also has anti-aging quality . It helps to speed up burning calories by kicking up metabolism rate and digestion . So take one table spoon cumin seeds and soak it into water for a night and then boil this mixture and filter it , after this process add 1 lemon juice and 1 teaspoon honey in cumin water and drink it , you can chew the filtered cumin seeds .

seeds help reduce belly fat
5 Fennel Seeds : Fennel seeds are simply marvellous in term of  reducing the belly fat. They can be eaten or infused with water to create a healthy drink . Fennel seeds also helps to reduce the level of cholesterol and also increase the metabolism rate and digestive power , so you can make fennel seed water by soaking 2 tablespoon of raw fennel seeds in one liter of cold water . Refrigerate this overnight and allow nutrients from the seeds to seep into the water . 

seeds help reduce belly fat

Friday, October 12, 2018

Pomegranate is a well known fruit which we used in our daily life but pomegranate is mostly consider as ayurvedic medicine more over fruit because it has anti-oxidants , anti-viral and anti-tumor properties and also it is very good source of vitamins specially vitamin-A, vitamin-C, vitamin-E and folic acid , A pomegranate contains 3 times more anti-oxidants as compare to green tea .This fruit contains 83 calories per 100 grams which is slightly more than apple . It also does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats .So here are some amazing health benefits of pomegranate .

problem solution pomegranate

1 Full Of Iron : Pomegranate is full of iron and it increase the hemoglobin so it is very beneficial for those patient who are suffering from anemia because eating pomegranate increase the level of hemoglobin , so anemia patient must have to include the pomegranate in their daily diet . 

2 Stomach Disorder : Pomegranate peel  , bark and leaves are used to cure disorder of the stomach or any kind of digestive problem . Pomegranate juice is also used for like dysentery and cholera . Drinking tea made from the leaves of this fruit also helps in curing your digestive problem .

3 Reduce The Risk Of Heart Diseases : Regular use of pomegranate can maintain good flow of the blood in the body so it reduce the risk of heart disease , pomegranate is the best and delicious way to get anti-oxidants and other good nutrients .So it is very beneficial in term of cardiovascular health because regular consumption of pomegranate can reduce the level to  heart stroke .

4 Reduce The Risk Of Cancer : Pomegranate contain high levels of antioxidants called flavonoids are known to be effective in counteracting various cancer radials ."Ellagic Acid"(miracle molecule) is also found in pomegranate and these type of molecule attacks on cancer cell  .Regular consumption of pomegranate can reduce the PSA levels in the body and aid in the fight against existing cancer cells in the body . 

5 Immunity System : Pomegranate juice has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties which help fight viruses and bacteria and boost our immunity system .


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