Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cloves are one of the highly prized spices , it is very aromatic and the flavor of clove is very strong that's why clove is used in different different type of food , but now these days people also recognized  that clove is not only a spice that can enhance the flavor of any type of food but also it has amazing health benefits . The spice actually are the "Flower Bud" from evergreen rain forest tree native to Indonesia . The active principle in the clove are known to have antioxidant , anti-septic , local anesthetic , anti-inflammatory , carminative and anti-flatulent properties .The spice contains health benefiting essential oils such as eugenol .Eugenol has local anesthetic and anti-septic properties . So here are some amazing health benefits of clove .

only spice

1 Clove has eugenol , which is work as local anesthetic and anti-septic apart from the anesthetic properties , clove have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory which are effectively used in drugs and dental filling, hence it is useful in dental care essential as well as treatment process .

2 Studies reveal that daily consumption if cloves can increase the insulin activity by almost three times , thereby keeping the blood sugar levels under control . So by including the clove in your daily diet you can reduce the risk of diabetes. 

3 With anti-inflammatory properties and cooling effects present in cloves , coughs and colds can easily be cured . You can simply chew 2-3 cloves and this will give instant relief  in sore throat .

4 By increasing blood circulation , cloves promote proper flow of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body , which enhance the body metabolism . They also have been found  to inhibit the clotting of blood  , thereby helping maintain cardiovascular health .

5 Cloves serves as an excellent stress reliever due its aphrodisiac and stimulant properties . By removing mental exhaustion and inducing sleep , cloves did in alleviating insomnia and treating depression and anxiety effectively . 


  1. Nice post
    If anyone chew clove 4 or more times in a day, is it harmful or not tell us

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.



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Amazing Health Benefits Of Cloves

The numerous health benefits of cloves are known to man since ancient times, cloves are popularly used in different cuisines to add flavor ...

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